![78 GALLERY](https://imagedelivery.net/QondspN4HIUvB_R16-ddAQ/50aab50256ea70547b0002db/c67e3617bb42baacebbb.jpeg/fit=cover,w=160,h=160)
78 / ナナジュウハチ シマダテツヤ & 嶋田麻菜 年数回のシマダテツヤ展を中心に他作家の展覧会企画、オリジナルグッズ制作やクライアントワークを手がける 不定期にフランス パリに滞在し、作品制作等を行う シマダテツヤ(アーティスト) 1978 千葉県銚子市生まれ 2005 セツ・モードセミナー卒業 2010 作品制作、展示等の活動を開始 嶋田麻菜(ディレクション、キュレーション、及びマネジメント) 2010 シマダテツヤのマネジメント、展覧会の企画・キュレーション等の活動を開始 2017-2018 「78 SUNDAY GALLERY」運営 下記店舗にてシマダテツヤ作品を常設展示しております DENHAM SHIN-MARUNOUCHI BLDG.(丸の内) furrow(代官山) ONIBUS COFFEE Nakameguro(中目黒) ー 78 / NANAJUUHACHI Tetsuya & Manna SHIMADA Tokyo-based, the unit focuses on regular exhibitions of Tetsuya Shimada, as well as planning exhibitions for other artists, producing original goods, and working on client commissions. Spends time in Paris, France from time to time, and engages in art production and related activities. Tetsuya SHIMADA (artist) 1978 Born in Choshi City, Chiba, JAPAN 2005 Graduated from Setsu Mode Seminar 2010 Began working in artwork creation and exhibitions Manna SHIMADA (direction, curation, and management) 2010 Began working in management of Tetsuya Shimada, exhibition planning, curation, and other related activities 2017 – 2018 Managed “78 SUNDAY GALLERY“ The following locations are currently hosting permanent exhibitions of Tetsuya Shimada works: DENHAM SHIN-MARUNOUCHI BLDG. (Marunouchi, Tokyo) furrow (Daikanyama, Tokyo) ONIBUS COFFEE Nakameguro (Nakameguro, Tokyo)